You’ve at long last gotten done with your course of laser hair removal in Birmingham and expressed farewell to that interminable pattern of waxing or shaving – yet presently you continue to hear individuals discuss upkeep courses.
Considering what these are about and assuming they’re truly vital? We’ve assembled three justifications for why upkeep medicines for laser hair removal are some of the time required, and how they could keep you feeling smoother for longer…
Everybody is unique
Laser hair removal works by focusing on the hair follicles during a specific phase of their life cycle (during the anagen, or development, stage.) Not your hairs will be all in this stage simultaneously, so the more medicines you can have, the more hairs you will effectively target.
Everyone’s hair develops at various rates and answers diversely to treatment, so you could see the odd wanderer hair a year or so after you’ve followed through with your tasks. An upkeep course (only three treatment meetings rather than the standard six or eight) will assist with destroying these irritating little wanders, for an all the more even outcome.
Hormonal changes can cause regrowth
Now and again, even in regions where the hair follicles have effectively been designated by the laser during the anagen stage, new follicles can in any case create. This may be because of hormonal changes, for instance in the event that you endure with a hormonal condition like polycystic ovary disorder (PCOS), or you’re pregnant or have had a child as of late.
On the off chance that you have a drawn out chemical related condition, your specialist will actually want to construct a program of medicines to help deal with your regrowth. A yearly support course will assist you with keeping steady over any obstinate regions and accomplish the most ideal outcomes for you.
It will set aside you cash over the long haul
Booking a support course of only three laser meetings will permit you to keep capitalizing on the outcomes accomplished in your underlying course of medicines. It’s superior to simply culling or waxing any wanderer hairs that were missed in the principal round of treatment, since it offers longer-enduring outcomes and is bound to free you of those hairs for good.
No hair removal treatment can eliminate 100 percent of your hair for all time, however a small amount of upkeep can make a huge difference. You’ve contributed the time, cash and work to have the underlying treatment done, so don’t let a touch of regrowth return you to the starting point.
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